刘同先 学术院长

    2017-09-22 17:15:12           浏览数:0

       青岛农业大学游艇会yth206官网首页学术院长。2014年当选为美国昆虫学会会士(ESA Fellow)。曾经是Texas A&M University农业及生命科学学院昆虫系和Texas A&M University System AgriLife Research教授,西北农林科技大学植物保护学院教授、院长。是华人昆虫学家协会发起人和理事长,为Journal of Insect Science的Editor,Biological Control,Insect Science等杂志编委,Biopesticides International的亚洲区Editor,昆虫学报,植物保护学报,应用昆虫学报和生物安全学报等杂志编委。同时,是世界37个杂志的审稿人。是中国国家自然科学基金、美国农业部NRI科研基金、美国农业部专项科研基金、北卡罗立那生物技术中心课题、荷兰国家科技部生物技术中心课题评审、加利福尼亚州农业与食品部、德国洪堡基金,波兰国家科学基金等研究课题的评审专家。是国内外许多大学与实验室的学术委员会主任、副主任、客座、兼职及讲座教授;也在国内外许多著名学术机构担任领导职务。

  毕业于山东农业大学(学士),美国弗吉尼亚理工大学(Virginia Tech)(硕士),美国佐治亚大学(University of Georgia)大学(博士),并在佐治亚大学和美国佛罗立达大学(University of Florida)从事博士后研究多年。此后,在美国Texas A&M University昆虫学系任助理教授(1996),副教授(2000)和正教授(2004)。2009年起任西北农林科技大学植物保护学院教授。

  在美国学习工作25年,主要从事农作物和蔬菜害虫的综合治理、害虫生物防治的基础和应用、害虫的环境控制、昆虫生态学、化学生态学、昆虫植物的关系、昆虫行为、害虫物理防治、害虫持续治理和农业持续发展、生物适应与生物资源利用、害虫的种群发展和扩张等方面的工作,近几年着重于害虫-天敌-作物相互关系,寄生性-捕食性天敌-害虫-植物的相互关系,低-无毒农药和低投入害虫治理,生物和环境友好害虫治理。首次提出了害虫治理新概念“Biorational Control”,并已经获得国内外学术界广泛认可;首次提出”Sustainable pest biological control in ephemeral habitats”(短生作物害虫可持续生物防治), 其理论正在实践中验证和完善。

  培养研究生、博士后与访问学者130余名,其中博士研究生60余名,硕士研究生50余名,博士后20余名。在Annual Review of Entomology(2篇), Scientific Reports, Frontiers in Physiology, Frontiers in Plant science, Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, Ecological Entomology,Pest Management Science,Biological Control, BioControl,Environmental Entomology,Insect Science,Journal of Economic Entomology等昆虫学顶尖杂志发表论文310余篇,其中SCI收录250多篇。主编专著4部,参编写10余部(20余章节);发表其它非学术论文200余篇。H-index达到41,i10-index 153,文章引用5700余次。(2018年6月更新)

  Professor Dr. Tong-Xian Liu, known as “T.-X.” is the National Distinguished Professor of Entomology. He was elected as Fellow of Entomological Society of America in 2014. He was the Dean of the College of Plant Protection, Northwest A&F University. Currently, he is a professor and Dean of the College of Plant Health and Medicine, Qingdao Agricultural University.

  He is internationally recognized for his research in biological control and tritrophic interactions of host plants, whiteflies, and aphids, and their natural enemies. His main research focuses on biological control, biorational control, insect ecology, chemical ecology, tritrophic interactions of insect-plant-natural enemies, and low input and environmental friendly pest management. He also develops biorational and Integrated Pest Management approaches for managing insect pests of important crops, including field crops and vegetables.

  He obtained his BS degree in plant protection from Shandong Agricultural University in China. He completed his MS degree in entomology from Virginia Tech at Blacksburg, Virginia in one and half years (1986-1987). Then, he obtained his PhD in entomology from the University of Georgia (Athens) in 1982. He spent four years as a post-doc at the University of Florida. He had joined Texas A&M in 1997 as an Assistant Professor working on vegetable IPM, and was then promoted to Associate Professor in 2001 and Full Professor in 2005, respectively.

  He has been a member of the Entomological Society of America (ESA) for more than 30 years, and served in several capacities including the President of the International Branch of ESA in 2013. He has received numerous awards in various institutions and societies. Dr. Liu has been very active in teaching, supervising more than 50 doctoral students, 15 post-doctoral research associates, 30 MS students and 25 visiting scientists. He has acquired over $6.5 m and ¥13 m in grants and contracts from various funding agencies in the US and China. Dr. Liu has published more than 310 refereed journal articles (265 SCI papers) in various journals, including Annual Review of Entomology, Scientific Reports, Frontiers in Physiology, BioOpen, PLoS ONE, Planta, BioControl, Biological Control, Journal of Experimental Botany, and many others. He also edited 4 books, published more than 200 educational and extension papers, and has been invited to give over 100 speeches and seminars at many national and international institutions and conferences. His publications have been cited extensively, and his H-index is 41, i10-index is 153, and total citations are more than 5700 (updated: June 10, 2018).